Back To School Tips For Parents 2019 Much written information is usually distributed to students Read together at least once a week during the first few days of school. These hand-outs usually Be realistic in your expectations include information on school policies, emergency weather Encourage your child to talk to teachers if he/she does not related school closings, student supplies and activities. Especially encourage your child to bring these informational Make every effort to be actively involved in the child's items to you as the parent. Many schools now have school web sites where information for parents and students are regularly posted and updated. Some teachers post homework assignments and classroom information at web sites so that Contact the child's teacher(s) and visit the school and understand an assignment education and school Recognize the teacher as an important partner in your child's education and future A new school year is at hand. Many school children feel parents can Reep adequately informed about the day-to-day somewhat anxious about returning to school. Their nervousness is usually more noticeable when the student Other suggestions to help assure is entering a new school or making the transition from elementary to middle or from middle to high school. While returning students usually anticipate the new school term with eagerness and excitement, the first few days can be stressful for some. classroom regularly Remember that each parent and teacher should share the same goal-to help children love learning and to be successful classroom activities a successful school year: BA SCHOOL Provide a study environment conducive to learning at home. Establish a regular homework time and have a quiet place for the child to study Talk every day about the progress he/she is making in each class. When your child knows that you think school is important, he or she will take it more seriously To help reduce this back-to-school stress, parents can especially help by manifesting an encouraging and calming spirit and by establishing clear expectations for the child. Take a very worried child to school ahead of time to walk around the halls go into the classroom and meet the teacher. Becoming more Discuss with your child how learning in school helps in familiar with his/her surroundings will help the child feel more confident and know what to expect on that first busy day. Consider enforcing earlier bed times and wake-up times as the start of the school year approaches. Children should always have adequate rest and diet in order to be at their best in school. They should rise early enough to eat a good breakfast and avoid rushing to get to school on time. everyday life Be a good example yourself that learning is a lifelong process .Reinforce learning at home, in the community and on vacations Notice when your child completes homework and provide encouragement Help your child stay calm and confident on test days Teach your child to set goals Have a dictionary available for your child to look up new or unfamiliar words Be sure you know ahead of time the opening and closing hours for school as well as its lunch and snack schedules and availabilities. Provided by: NC Division of Non-Public Education 1309 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NCc27699-1309 (919) 733-4276 Chris, Marisol, Adrian, Patricia, Sergio, Maya, Terri, Sandra, Melissa, Rene, Henry, Gina, Erika, Alma, Melissa, Lizzette, Alex and Danna. (520) 375-7940 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Alfredo I.Velásquez Back To School Tips For Parents 2019 Much written information is usually distributed to students Read together at least once a week during the first few days of school. These hand-outs usually Be realistic in your expectations include information on school policies, emergency weather Encourage your child to talk to teachers if he/she does not related school closings, student supplies and activities. Especially encourage your child to bring these informational Make every effort to be actively involved in the child's items to you as the parent. Many schools now have school web sites where information for parents and students are regularly posted and updated. Some teachers post homework assignments and classroom information at web sites so that Contact the child's teacher(s) and visit the school and understand an assignment education and school Recognize the teacher as an important partner in your child's education and future A new school year is at hand. Many school children feel parents can Reep adequately informed about the day-to-day somewhat anxious about returning to school. Their nervousness is usually more noticeable when the student Other suggestions to help assure is entering a new school or making the transition from elementary to middle or from middle to high school. While returning students usually anticipate the new school term with eagerness and excitement, the first few days can be stressful for some. classroom regularly Remember that each parent and teacher should share the same goal-to help children love learning and to be successful classroom activities a successful school year: BA SCHOOL Provide a study environment conducive to learning at home. Establish a regular homework time and have a quiet place for the child to study Talk every day about the progress he/she is making in each class. When your child knows that you think school is important, he or she will take it more seriously To help reduce this back-to-school stress, parents can especially help by manifesting an encouraging and calming spirit and by establishing clear expectations for the child. Take a very worried child to school ahead of time to walk around the halls go into the classroom and meet the teacher. Becoming more Discuss with your child how learning in school helps in familiar with his/her surroundings will help the child feel more confident and know what to expect on that first busy day. Consider enforcing earlier bed times and wake-up times as the start of the school year approaches. Children should always have adequate rest and diet in order to be at their best in school. They should rise early enough to eat a good breakfast and avoid rushing to get to school on time. everyday life Be a good example yourself that learning is a lifelong process .Reinforce learning at home, in the community and on vacations Notice when your child completes homework and provide encouragement Help your child stay calm and confident on test days Teach your child to set goals Have a dictionary available for your child to look up new or unfamiliar words Be sure you know ahead of time the opening and closing hours for school as well as its lunch and snack schedules and availabilities. Provided by: NC Division of Non-Public Education 1309 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NCc27699-1309 (919) 733-4276 Chris, Marisol, Adrian, Patricia, Sergio, Maya, Terri, Sandra, Melissa, Rene, Henry, Gina, Erika, Alma, Melissa, Lizzette, Alex and Danna. (520) 375-7940 SANTA CRUZ COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Alfredo I.Velásquez